Message from Chairperson

We welcome you all to Nepal International ADR Center – NIAC’s official website.

NIAC offers credible domestic as well as cross-border Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services with a special focus on Mediation and Arbitration. We believe that Mediation is a gain-gain process of dispute resolution between the parties. Likewise, Arbitration is a process of dispute resolution between the contracting parties. Our panel of Mediators and Arbitrators are well-trained on substantive principles and contemporary practices and well-equipped with modern amenities. They provide tailor-made dispute resolution services to the parties.

NIAC being one of the founders of the Asia Pacific Center for Arbitration and Mediation – APCAM is suited to provide a common pool of Arbitrators and Mediators between APCAM. We believe in accessibility, credibility and expertise in Commercial Mediation, Arbitration and ADR as a whole.

We look forward to providing steadfast dispute resolution to serve diverse needs. Welcome to NIAC.