Arbitration agreement and gavel on a desk.


Our Arbitration is based on the most efficient Arbitration Rules enacted by the Nepal International ADR Center (NIAC) which allows arbitrators and parties to use the best available global practice for domestic as well as international disputes resolution effectively and efficiently.

Our rules also provide a facility for a hybrid Arb-Med Procedure, which is an effective way by which the party can invoke arbitration and simultaneously try to resolve the dispute through mediation. The procedure helps to save time and also helps to make mediation.

NIAC, as a founder and Nepal center of the Asia Pacific Centre of Arbitration and Mediation-APCAM, also has APCAM Mediation Rules enacted by the APCAM for international dispute

The APCAM Mediation Rules also provide a facility for Med-Arb resolution which is an effective way by which the party can invoke arbitration and simultaneously try to resolve the dispute through mediation with the continuation of arbitration which encourages parties to save time and money to make mediation settlement binding.

NIAC – When you opt for NIAC Service,  you receive International Commercial and Business Disputes Resolution through Arbitration under a single set of Arbitration Rules and with a uniform fee structure in around ten Asia-Pacific Centers of APCAM with a systematic way of proceedings and good administrative control over the same!

How can we help you?

Contact us at the NIAC office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.

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